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MapLink™ Procedures | Forestry

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The provisions of this section apply to forestry involving more than three acres of land in any calendar year, other than routine thinning of woods, cutting of trees for personal firewood for the landowner, Christmas tree farms, orchards, tree nurseries, forestry on state or federally owned land, or tree removal that is necessary to develop approved permitted uses or utilities or soil testing.
A. A plan showing the area proposed to be forested and any proposed waterway or wetland crossings and roads shall be submitted to the county, with a copy to the applicable Borough/Township, prior to the issuance of a zoning permit. The plan shall show the existing and proposed slopes in areas where logging roads are proposed. The plan shall provide a justification for any clear-cutting of mature forests involving more than 10 acres. The plan shall also show stormwater and erosion control measures, such as filter strips and sedimentation basins.
B. A soil and erosion control plan shall be submitted to the County Conservation District for any review they may wish to provide, in addition to any approval that may be required under state law.
C. It is requested but not required to provide a twenty-foot minimum setback for forestry from a public street right-of-way and from any lot line of adjacent residential property.
NOTE: Also referred to as Timber harvesting.
See § 295-59: Forestry for more information on both uses.