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Land Development
Age-Restricted Residential Development Provides a density bonus, where allowed by <a href="" target="_self">§ 295-28: Use regulations</a>, for a residential development that is age-restricted in compliance with the federal requirements for housing for older persons, as specified in the United States Code. Show Less Provides a density bonus, where allowed by <a href="" target="_self">§ 295-28: Use regulations</... Show More Mobile/Manufactured Home Park Plans shall be submitted and reviewed by the Township for all mobile/manufactured home parks in compliance with the mobile/manufactured home park provisions of Chapter 253, Subdivision and Land Development. Show Less Plans shall be submitted and reviewed by the Township for all mobile/manufactured home parks in compliance with the mobile/ma... Show More MU District Development Requirements Before any new principal use or building is approved, the applicant shall submit a concept plan illustrating the intended types of development for all lands under the control of the applicant. Show Less Before any new principal use or building is approved, the applicant shall submit a concept plan illustrating the intended typ... Show More Principal Uses and Principal Buildings Per Lot A lot in a commercial or industrial district may include more than one permitted principal use per lot and/or more than one permitted principal building per lot Show Less A lot in a commercial or industrial district may include more than one permitted principal use per lot and/or more than one p... Show More Use Regulations Any land or structure shall only be used or occupied for a use specifically listed in this chapter as permitted in the zoning district where the land or structure is located. Show Less Any land or structure shall only be used or occupied for a use specifically listed in this chapter as permitted in the zoning... Show More
Buffer Yards Buffer yards and plant screening must comply with the required standards. Show Less Show More Erosion and Stormwater Control See the provisions in Chapter 253, Subdivision and Land Development, and state erosion control regulations. See also Chapter 247, Stormwater Management. Show Less See the provisions in Chapter 253, Subdivision and Land Development, and state erosion control regulations. See also Chapter ... Show More Forestry The provisions for this use apply to forestry involving more than three acres of land in any calendar year. Show Less Show More Groundwater or Springwater Withdrawal For groundwater or springwater withdrawal involving the removal of an average of more than 100,000 gallons per day from a lot for off-site consumption. Show Less For groundwater or springwater withdrawal involving the removal of an average of more than 100,000 gallons per day from a lot... Show More Landscaping Any part of a commercial, industrial, institutional or apartment lot which is not used for structures, loading areas, parking spaces and aisles, sidewalks, and designated storage areas shall be landscaped with trees and shrubs. Show Less Any part of a commercial, industrial, institutional or apartment lot which is not used for structures, loading areas, parking... Show More Mineral Extraction If a mineral extraction use involves mining activities over more than two acres of land in any calendar year, then all requirements shall be met. Show Less If a mineral extraction use involves mining activities over more than two acres of land in any calendar year, then all requir... Show More Steep Slopes The following provisions are primarily intended to avoid erosion, sedimentation, stormwater management and winter driving hazards, particularly considering the Township's climate, in addition to serving the overall purposes of this chapter. Show Less The following provisions are primarily intended to avoid erosion, sedimentation, stormwater management and winter driving haz... Show More Well and Septic Systems Well and septic locations must be included in every plan for a subdivision or land development and every application for a building permit for a new principal building. Show Less Well and septic locations must be included in every plan for a subdivision or land development and every application for a bu... Show More Wetlands and Lakes Wetlands (as officially defined under federal and/or state regulations) shall not count towards more than 50% of the required minimum lot area. Show Less Wetlands (as officially defined under federal and/or state regulations) shall not count towards more than 50% of the required... Show More